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How sleep affects your skin

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about beauty?

Take a moment to think about that before you continue reading.
I bet you thought about everything, but sleep. Normally, the concept of beauty is more linked to skincare products, treatments like botox or lifts, or other things like getting your nails done. What most people ignore is that poor sleep can affect the way your skin looks and feels.

If your eyes could speak…

In a way, they do. Lack of sleep is usually reflected in those annoying black bags under your eyes. They give you away. When we’re not getting quality rest, blood circulation reduces and disrupts the skin's repair process. Blood vessels under the thin skin around your eyes become more visible, giving a dark appearance and puffiness. Poor sleep also increases stress hormones, which can break down collagen and make the skin thinner, enhancing the effect.

The story under your skin

Think of your skin and its lines as a map. A map of your life. Every wrinkle represents the things that have worried you over the years or that have made you laugh. So, in a way, wrinkles are a reminder of what you’ve learned and lived. In spite of that, we know that they can affect your self esteem, so the way to make that map stop growing is taking care of your sleep. The decrease in collagen production does not only enhance dark circles as we previously mentioned, it also leads to more visible fine lines and wrinkles.

Glow brighter

The better you sleep, the brighter you shine. Poor rest disrupts skin's natural repair process, leading to dullness and uneven tone. It also triggers chronic inflammation, resulting in redness, irritation, and worsening conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Reduced blood flow during poor sleep means your skin lacks its natural glow and radiance.

The right type of shine

Shiny isn’t always desirable. Especially if it’s the result of having oily skin. When you don’t get enough rest, you can trigger excess sebum production, leaving your skin oilier and more prone to break out; also, balance is lost, and that unwanted shine takes center stage.

Hydration works the night shift

To hydrate doesn’t always mean to drink water. Hyaluronic acid and collagen help the skin retain moisture, keeping it plump and supple. Therefore, when they are not correctly produced over night, our skin doesn’t get the hydration it needs. On top of that, poor sleep can disrupt the skin’s barrier function, leading to increased transepidermal water loss, which causes dehydration. When the skin is dehydrated, it can appear dull, rough.

So… should I throw all my skincare products into the bin and just take care of my sleep? 

No, of course not. I mean, it’s a free country, you do you. Sleeping well is an essential part of a beauty sleep routine, but it can be strengthened and enhanced when combined with other treatments, like applying moisturizing cream. 

Do I need better sleep?

If your skin is showing any of the previously mentioned signs then you should seriously consider taking action towards improving your sleep. Here are some things you can do: 

  • Include a 100% blackout mask into your sleep routine. Lights, even small ones, can disturb your night’s rest. 
  • Consider taking a natural sleep supplement, you can consult your doctor to find the right one.