How to Sleep to avoid Sleep Apnea and Snoring
Did you know that 25% of the population are regular snorers, while 45% snore sometimes? We're all familiar with snoring — you might be a snorer, too, or heard someone else snore. That loud sleep breath is caused by air flowing through the throat, vibrating the relaxed tissues, and making irritating sounds.
Snoring may ruin your sleep cycle or disrupt your partner's sleep quality. In fact, 75% of regular snorers suffer from sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with higher risks of heart disease. Often, snoring indicates other health issues, such as obesity and sleep deprivation.
If you want to improve your sleep and save yourself the embarrassment and health issues that come with snoring, we've rounded our top tips to reduce the problem. Different people snore for different reasons. So, put this advice to the test to see what works best for you. Let's dive in!

Reducing your snoring could be as simple as changing sleep positions. If you're a back sleeper, you probably experience more snoring due to your tongue collapsing to your throat, blocking airflow even further. The easiest way to remedy this is by turning to a side sleep position.
Having your head position slightly tilted to the side will unblock the air passage, reducing snoring to the minimum. Plus, you'll experience less neck pain compared to stomach sleeping. If you have trouble maintaining the same position for sleep apnea throughout the night, we recommend using a full-body pillow that provides comfort and will keep your body in the side position.
We know it's easier said than done, but weight loss is one of the most effective ways to treat sleep apnea symptoms. However, keep in mind that excess fat might cause snoring for some people, but not everyone. Thin people snore, too. But, if you recently took weight and started snoring, this is most likely the cause.
That's because fat around the neck squeezes the throat, making the soft palate more likely to collapse during the night. Excess tissue is the primary source of snoring, as it blocks the airway. A balanced diet with nutrient-rich foods and less caloric intake can tremendously reduce snoring.
Your sleep hygiene refers to your sleeping habits. Long hours of work, irregular bedtime hours, and sleep deprivation are common causes of snoring. That's because when it's time to fall asleep, you sleep hard and deep, your muscles become floppy, and ultimately snore.
Try establishing consistent sleeping patterns, waking up at the same hour every day of the week, and getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night. This is the best sleep apnea treatment you could hope for, and you'll reap the benefits of a good night's sleep.
Another option you could try is purchasing nasal strips worn across the bridge of your nose. They increase the space of your nasal passage, allowing more air to flow; therefore, you can breathe without snoring. If they don't do any work for your nose, you can try a nasal dilator, which is more heavy-duty.
It's embedded in your nose with plastic ribs and opens your passage. It also comes in the form of internal dilators. If none of these options work, maybe you should try a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP machine) with a mask that covers your nose, mouth, or both. This can keep your airways open while you sleep.
Alcohol before bed is a recipe for disaster. It not only relaxes your throat muscles, leading to more snoring but also deprives you of quality REM sleep. Avoid it at least three hours before sleeping, and you'll see remarkable improvement in your sleep apnea.
Additionally, try quitting or minimizing smoking as it causes nasal congestion and nose irritation. Tobacco is the number one cause of central sleep apnea, so as hard as it may be to quit it, it's worth trying. Talk with your doctor about alternatives, such as gum or patches, that may help you.
When was the last time you changed your pillows and dusted furniture? Dust accumulating in your room might lead to allergic reactions, which block the airflow through your nose and force you to breathe through your mouth. That's why we recommend refreshing your pillows in the air fluff cycle every two weeks and replacing them every six months to avoid allergens.
Moreover, if you face more severe allergies, you should consult your doctor, who might suggest prescription allergy medications such as nasal sprays, liquids, and pills. In that case, the best options might be nonsedating antihistamines, inhaled nasal corticosteroids, and oral decongestants.

If you're a seasoned snorer, don't worry; you're not alone. Hopefully, these tips will help you sleep a little easier at night without disrupting the sleep quality of your bed partner. Some simple lifestyle changes and the best sleeping position on your side are a great starting point.
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